26 Letters is now Guided Pulse Solutions! 

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We are excited to announce that 26 Letters is now Guided Pulse Solutions! The name 26 Letters was always about emphasizing the importance of language. We recognize that what we say is impactful, our language matters. With those 26 letters, we can arrange and rearrange them in ways that make people feel included or excluded.

While language is still a key component of that, 26 Letters was always meant to be a stand in for what we really wanted our work to embody.

We are changing our name to emphasize that our goal is to help organizations get a “pulse” on what’s happening regarding diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives and understanding employees’ experiences. After getting that initial pulse, our methodology is to act as a guide using a data-driven approach for companies by giving them resources and tools that fit their needs.

Every company that we work with is at a different place regarding their DEI plan, and what may work for one organization may not work for the next. Gauging where your company is at is the first step in our process towards a more equitable workplace.

DEI is an ongoing process and we make sure that we take a holistic approach. At GPS, our goal is to be your guide as you are driving to what makes your organization great.


Chat w/26 Letters: Brianna McCullough